Laser Cataract Surgery

Don’t let cataracts limit your lifestyle

If you or someone you care for has been diagnosed with cataracts, you’re certainly not alone — cataracts are a natural part of the aging process, and they affect more than 24 million Americans over 40. You’ve likely noticed that the cloudy vision caused by cataracts can affect your ability to enjoy activities like knitting, playing cards, watching TV, reading and golfing.
The good news is cataract procedures are one of the most commonly performed surgeries in the U.S., with more than 3 million taking place each year. That means 3 million patients just like you are getting back to their favorite activities every year.

How is laser-assisted cataract surgery done?

A camera/ultrasound device is placed over your eye to map its surface. It also gathers information about your lens. The device sends the results to a computer that programs the laser. This tells the laser the exact location, size, and depth for incisions. The surgeon uses the laser to make the corneal incision and the opening in the capsule. They may also use energy from the laser to soften the cataract. An ultrasound probe breaks the lens into pieces and suctions them out. The surgeon then puts the IOL in the eye. Again, the incision usually does not need stitches.